ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) is a powerful antioxidant which can naturally be produced in the body. ALA is both fat and water-soluble antioxidant and as such able to penetrate all parts of cells to eliminate harmful toxins including heavy metals from cells, tissues and blood and remove them from the body. It helps to fuel mitochondria in energy production and with its superior anti-inflammatory property, it can protect liver and kidney from free radical and antibiotic damage. It boosts the level of glutathione’s production, the body’s main cellular antioxidant and detoxifying. ALA has been prescribed as a treatment to balance blood glucose level, prevent heart damage and peripheral neuropathy for example side effect caused by exposure to chemotherapy, and drugs for cholesterol and sugar lowering.
Antioxidant liver peptide is a powerful antioxidant which can be naturally produced by the liver to protect the body against free radicals, pollutants, drugs, pesticides and heavy metals by eliminating them from the body. It reduces damage to liver cells from alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and enlarges blood vessels, improving blood flow and lower blood pressure.